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By | September 6th, 2019 | Organic News |

As food writer Mark Bittman recently remarked, since food is defined as “a substance that provides nutrition and promotes growth” and poison is “a substance that promotes illness,” then “much of what is produced by industrial agriculture is, quite literally, not food but poison.” Of course, it doesn’t have to be this way. Eliminating pesticides and transitioning to organic regenerative farming can get us back on track to nutritious food, restore microbiomes and protect our health. Former EPA employee, Evaggelos Vallianatos, shares insights on why the EPA is failing to protect the environment and us. Pesticides were designed to kill life. There was no way to make them “safe” to human and environmental health. Only fraud would do that. Bad and pernicious private business interests and unethical political leaders have turned EPA upside down. In other news, Whole Foods CEO John Mackey shares that the market for meat substitutes is expected to hit $2.5 billion by 2023. But Mackey, who has been a vegan for more than 20 years, isn’t sold on the health benefits of popular plant-based meats. Mackey says, “..some of these that are extremely popular now that is taking the world by storm, but if you look at the ingredients, they are super, highly processed foods.” In Brazil, Cargill is the second-largest exporter of soy and corn. Revenue in 2018, which includes agricultural products as well as animal feed, grew to 46.5 billion reais. In money-saving news, Misfits Market shares how to get creative with food scraps. By rescuing those bits and pieces from the compost bin, they share 9 ideas that could actually save you some serious cash.

Cargill’s profits in Brazil grow 15 percent to 680 million reais

Cargill is Brazil’s second-largest exporter of soy and corn, according to Williams Shipping Agency, a Brazil-based firm. Revenue in 2018, which includes agricultural products as well as animal feed, grew to 46.5 billion reais.

9 Ways to Get Creative—and Save Money—with Food Scraps

By rescuing those bits and pieces from the compost bin, you could actually be saving serious cash too. Here are a few easy ways to use up scraps from whole fruits and veggies.

Whole Foods CEO on plant-based meat boom: Good for the environment but not for your health

The market for meat substitutes is expected to hit $2.5 billion by 2023, according to Euromonitor estimates. But Mackey, who has been a vegan for more than 20 years, isn’t sold on the health benefits of plant-based meats. Mackey says, “..some of these that are extremely popular now that are taking the world by storm if you look at the ingredients, they are super, highly processed foods.”

Broccoli Is Dying. Corn Is Toxic. Long Live Microbiomes!

As food writer Mark Bittman recently remarked, since food is defined as “a substance that provides nutrition and promotes growth” and poison is “a substance that promotes illness,” then “much of what is produced by industrial agriculture is, quite literally, not food but poison.” Of course, it doesn’t have to be this way. Eliminating pesticides and transitioning to organic regenerative farming can get us back on track to nutritious food, restore microbiomes and protect our health. Let’s break all this down, and then talk solutions.

Is Environmental Protection Possible?

Pesticides were designed to kill life. There was no way to make them “safe” to human and environmental health. Only fraud would do that. Bad and pernicious private business interests and unethical political leaders have turned EPA upside down. But EPA is an idea and an institution. A healthy natural world is what keeps us healthy and alive. Pollution is the antithesis of health. Returning back to health after a reign of pollution is not easy, but it is possible, hence the political invention of the EPA.

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