Top 10 Reasons to Go Organic
Organic is the most heavily regulated food system in the U.S. Only organic guarantees no toxic persistent pesticides, synthetic fertilizers or GMOs are used in production, and no antibiotics or growth hormones are given to livestock.
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Big Food’s Dirty Little Secrets
Health problems, including cancer, infertility, asthma, and birth defects, have been linked to pesticide exposure. Pregnant women, children and the elderly are especially susceptible to the impacts of toxic pesticides.
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The Organic Seal of Approval
The USDA certified organic seal is the only guarantee that your food has been produced without toxic pesticides, chemical fertilizers, antibiotics, artificial hormones or genetic engineering. It also indicates that food that has been produced in compliance with federal standards.
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What It Means to Be Organic
It’s fairly simple. The organic seal indicates that food has been grown in ways that has passed nature’s own test for being A-OK. Organic farmers must work in sync with the environment.
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