You Are What You Wear: From Organic Food to Organic Fashion -- Category --
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This blog was contributed by our partner, ECOfashionCorp

It makes sense that what we put in our body matters. What we choose to put against it matters just as much, or more. Our skin is our largest organ and primary organ for absorption. At ECOfashionCorp, we make apparel (YES AND, MetaWear) and home goods (Farm to Home) that are certified organic—not just because it looks and feels good, but because it is good, on every level.

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is the organic certification for a finished textile product. In order for a product to be labeled with the GOTS seal, it must be made from a minimum of 70% organic fiber. At ECOfashionCorp, we always aim for 100% organic cotton, but there are circumstances where we might blend organic cotton with another sustainable fiber, like Tencel™ or a pillow might be filled with recycled fiber. The GOTS certification allows for that (up to 30%) wiggle room.

You might be asking yourself, “Is organic THAT important?” The answer is a firm YES. It’s not just about avoiding the toxins that conventional textiles contain—synthetic pesticides and herbicides, formaldehyde, heavy metals, and chlorine bleach, not to mention petrochemicals used to produce polyester, nylon, and acrylic. The positive impacts of choosing certified organic extend far beyond our closets.

Growing crops organically rebuilds our tired soil. Decades of monocropping of GMO seed has turned once-nutrient-rich soil into dirt. Regenerative organic farming practices actually build organic matter in the soil. Other strategies, like low-tillage or no-tillage, can sequester carbon, limiting the carbon impacts of plant agriculture. Crop rotation adds to soil health, while simultaneously diversifying farmers’ income streams. Cover cropping, used for pest management and soil rejuvenation, promotes biodiversity and can add another source of income as biomass to sell-off at the end of its use. Healthy soil means better water retention and less need for irrigation—most organic farms are rain-fed. Runoff is minimal, not to mention free of toxic chemicals.

That’s not all—GOTS certification extends beyond the farm, all the way to the finished product. A certified organic textile product must meet stringent milling, processing, dyeing/printing, and labor standards. Low-impact dyes and inks must be used, wastewater treatment must exist onsite, and workers are ensured safe working conditions and a living wage. Every GOTS purchase you make improves your own health, the health and livelihoods of farmers and workers, biodiversity, air, water, and soil quality. Everyone wins.

On top of all those benefits, organic food and fashion have never been more affordable. Our goal at ECOfashion Corp is to make living sustainably easy for everyone. The more people who participate in the organic and sustainable revolution, the faster we can repair our home for future generations and all life. We hope you learned something new today! Why don’t you start a positive ripple of change by sharing this article with a friend?

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Yes And

Farm To Home

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